Friday, October 15, 2010

Sweet Potato Cakes

Jon and I are always looking for ways to use Uganda's delicious sweet potatoes.  Here's our favorite:

You need:
a few sweet potatoes
a couple ears of corn (or a can of sweet corn)

First, you basically just make mashed potatoes.  We make them by peeling and then boiling the sweet potatoes.  Then we mash them with milk, garlic, salt, pepper, and a little bit of sugar.  Then, add the corn, an egg (to make them stick) and some flour (to give them more of a bread-like texture).  Mix well, form into small pancake-sized patties, and then grill them (preferably in butter).  They freeze really well, so you can just throw the left overs on the grill.  YUM!

1 comment:

  1. The egg must be the secret ingredient! Phillip and I tried to make these before seeing this recipe and they all fell apart. They still tasted good, but were not much more that a pile of re-fried mashed potatoes. I am excited to try again!
